This page contains applications and patches created in Max (aka MaxMSP).
Applications can be run standalone on a Macintosh computer. You do not need to own Max to run them.
Patches require an installation of Max on your computer.
All downloads are .zip files. For more information about Max, visit
HarpPedalBoard-M4L is a Max For Live MIDI Effect which allows the user to determine the pitches of the white keys on a MIDI keyboard by setting virtual pedals. This patch nullifies all accidentals (black keys) on your MIDI keyboard.

(click the pictures to enlarge – the link above downloads the software)
Shared Buffer
A pair of Max for Live (M4L) patches that work together for live audio manipulation in Ableton Live. The “sharedbuffer-audio-1” patch is a M4L Audio Effect that records 2 seconds of audio into a sample buffer. Insert onto an audio track and then press the button to record sound into the buffer. The “sharedbuffer-1” patch is a M4L Instrument that draws sound from the recorded audio in the “sharedbuffer-audio-1” patch. Insert “sharedbuffer-1” on an instrument track and record midi data. The sound of the instrument will consist of whatever is recorded in the buffer on the audio track.
(click the picture to enlarge – the link above downloads the software)

A standalone application that displays the spectrograph and sonogram of an audio signal.
(click the picture to enlarge – the link above downloads the software)

A simple standalone application for identifying notes on a piano keyboard.
(click the picture to enlarge – the link above downloads the software)

A simple standalone application for aurally identifying major or minor chord quality.
(click the picture to enlarge – the link above downloads the software)

Max Examples
A small collection of Max patches (Max installation required) including NoteID, ChordQuality, SpectroSono, a Dubstep-style bass synthesizer, and a simple additive synthesizer.
An installation of Max is required to open and edit these patches.
(click the picture to enlarge – the link above downloads the software)

Click here to download a standalone application version of AdditiveSynth-plusKBD. This version DOES NOT require an installation of Max to run. Mac OS only.